Sunday, February 14, 2010

The puppy and the jaundiced woman: a parable

Our family got a new puppy yesterday afternoon. We call him Simba. Isn't he cute?

I got up with Simba at 5 this morning, and played with him. While we played, I disappeared into the experience, completely let go, had a great time, and felt like a kid again. And, as a result of our play, I felt quite connected to Simba, as if I, too, were a puppy.

It’s completely understandable that this happened to me with Simba. He’s adorable, filled with positive puppy energy, and completely loving and engaging.

Yesterday, when walking along the street in my neighborhood, I passed by an elderly, hunched, deeply jaundiced woman whom I had never seen before. My immediate thoughts, when noticing her, were of death and decay. I felt repulsed and averted my eyes when we passed one another.

Oddly enough, I passed by that same woman this afternoon. However, when I saw her this time, instead of seeing death and decay in her face, I somehow saw her humanity – and maybe even a little of my puppy in her face. So I looked right at her and smiled … and then she smiled back, quite warmly. I felt connected to her, and nourished by the encounter.

I far preferred today’s interaction with this woman today to the one I had yesterday. I’m grateful to my new puppy for reminding me about the connectedness we all share, and how much nicer life is when I can be aware of that connectedness.

1 comment:

  1. Super cute puppy, and what a great story. Got to love NYC for having your path cross the same person twice and giving you a completely different perspective.
