Monday, February 8, 2010


I just had a delicious dinner with a lovely glass of wine … after having had a really productive and engaging day … and now, I feel happy, content and peaceful. Sitting at this computer, as I attempt to figure out what I should blog about, the only thing that comes up in my mind (when I try to think up a topic) is an enveloping sense of peace, openness and connection with the universe.

I’ve worked for many years to learn how to be happy and successful, and sometimes, like right now, as a result of my years of effort, I just get overtaken by bliss. This state doesn’t happen to me that often, but when it does occur (like right now), it definitely doesn’t suck.

My hope, with this blog, is that by sharing my journey with you, I will be able to help you accelerate your own path toward continually expanding bliss and power. To that end, in future blog entries, I’ll go into detail about what, specifically, has helped me traverse the distance between pretty intense and continuous unhappiness (and a sense of powerlessness) ten years ago to the blissful place I often inhabit today. In the meantime, though, I think I’d like to return to my “ohm,” at least for now.

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